Imagine facing a life-threatening health crisis while on a seemingly ordinary trip, and experiencing not just one, but three miracles in the span of 72 hours. Join me, Sylvia Worsham, as I recount this profoundly personal story which underscores the incredible power of love, faith, and divine intervention. In an episode inspired by 1 Corinthians and the two greatest commandments of loving God and others, I open up about my journey toward embracing unconditional love, even for those who’ve caused me pain. This deeply moving narrative is not just about my personal transformation but also a call to embrace the boundless love that God offers, especially in a world fraught with division and conflict.
This episode invites you to ponder how love, in its purest form, can transform our lives and relationships. By sharing my testimony, I hope to inspire you to see beyond the struggles and fears that may cloud your purpose. Discover how surrendering to God’s sovereignty has reshaped my outlook on love—both giving and receiving it—and how these moments of grace have reinforced my commitment to living out these commandments. Let this story be a testament to the miracles that unfold when we open our hearts to love and trust in a higher power. Tune in for a heartfelt discussion that encourages compassion, understanding, and a renewed sense of hope in our everyday lives.
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If you’ve ever struggled with fear, doubt or worry and wondering what your true purpose was all about, then this podcast is for you. In this show, your host, sylvia Worsham, will interview elite experts and ordinary people that have created extraordinary lives. So here’s your host, sylvia Worsham.
Speaker 2:
Hey, lightbringers, it’s Sylvia Worsham. Welcome to Released Out Revealed Purpose In this episode. We’re going to be talking about the love dare and we’re going to be talking about 1 Corinthians, where Paul is writing to the people in Corinth and is asking them to love others. The two commandments that God talks extensively about is to love him and love others. And why I’m talking about love today is because in the world as we know it, we have seen conflict. We have seen conflict between nations. We have seen in our own country conflict within our own cultures, people of different belief systems and values being excluded, political fights going on on social media, people turning away going on on social media, people turning away, people excluding others, and love is nowhere to be found in any of it. And when you look at relationships, not just one-on-one but even in marriages, you see a lot of marriages falling and going under because they refuse to follow those two commandments love me and love others the way I have loved you. When you look at the concept of unconditional love, it’s a concept that’s a much higher concept than the one we abide by as human beings. His meaning, god’s concept of unconditional love, is something I’ve been studying for the last year, when I started my journey into the third phase, where I’m submitting and surrendering control to God’s sovereignty, I have found that I want to be more like him. The way he has loved me is the way I want to love others Others, like my spouse, like my children, like my friends, even the people that have hurt me. I have wanted to love them, and I don’t do this for those people. I do this for him, for God, because he gave me that love even though I didn’t deserve it. I was a sinner and I. He died on the cross. He sent his son to die on the cross for me so that I could have eternal life with him, and that is a love like, unlike any other. I have experienced that love when I received Three Miracles in 72 Hours, and I wanted to talk about that love on this episode today, because it’s something that’s very important for the world today, and I just felt a need in my heart to discuss something as personal as this testimony is to me. So, for those that don’t know, I received three miracles within 72 hours in 2012.
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And I had just started dating my second husband and, like a good Mexican girl, I started taking birth control pills, not wanting to get pregnant. It was really the least of my worries, because at the age of 37, I was at a much higher risk of developing pulmonary embolisms and blood clots than I had been previously, because I had taken birth control pills for many years during my first marriage, with no incident, and so I thought you know, nothing bad is going to happen to me. But that was furthest from the truth. But the truth was I developed pulmonary embolisms and I ended up being admitted to St Luke’s Episcopal Hospital in Houston, texas, en route to an Easter getaway with my boyfriend and my son. And I was a single mom at the time and I thought well, he wants my son to meet his family, that means he’s in his business, he wants to marry me, and so nothing could stop me from getting on that flight.
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But a couple of days before I left, I noticed a pain that increased in intensity every time I took a breath, and so I called my brother, because my mother insisted. Mother’s intuition kicks in and she’s like you know, you look ill, you look really bad, you need to call him, and my brother’s a physician. So I called him and I kind of explained what’s going on over the phone and he said, you know, based on your health and just, I was very healthy at the time, I was exercising seven days a week, I was a size two, I mean I was in top form. And and he said, you know what it sounds more like pleurisy. And pleurisy is the inflammation of the lining of the lung and it mimics exactly in symptoms to pulmonary embolisms. And for those that don’t know what a pulmonary embolism is, it is a blood clot that travels to your lungs and can actually block the veins and cause a coronary event. It can cause a stroke, it can cause, you know, death. It’s very deadly. And I took a flight because he said Well, it’s this, don’t worry about it. You know, take this medication was over the counter and you’re good.
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And I took the flight from South Texas to Houston and when I landed I couldn’t even like grab my bags from below the seat. It was very painful and, seeing me the way I was, my boyfriend said you know what, let’s just spend the night here in Houston. And what a miracle that was, because we were in the medical center in Texas. I mean, it’s a huge, world renowned medical center and in the middle of the night I could jolt it out of bed and it felt like 15 knives were piercing my center. And in the middle of the night I get jolted out of bed and it felt like 15 knives were piercing my chest. And I remember feeling like this was something else. My intuition kicked in and I was like I heard a prompting that was very persistent. It said lean forward and you’ll be able to breathe. And so I leaned forward and for four hours I don’t call a soul and I’m able to take deeper breaths, but somewhere deep inside of me I knew this was something else, right?
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So the next morning I, you know, call my brother and I say I just don’t think this is pleurisy. And I explained what had happened. And he goes you need to get to the ER immediately and you need to get a scan of your lines. So that’s what we do. We travel there, I walk in unassisted, they ask me where my pain is, how bad it is. I’m like, if there’s anything above a 10, I’m going to take that number. And they admit me. They scan and they’re like you’re not leaving here to at least Tuesday and and it’s Good Friday, so it’s Easter weekend and for Christians it’s more like resurrection weekend. So I find it interesting the weekend he picked for me. And, long story short, I am facing a 20% chance of dying because in one of the scans that they take they find a massive blood clot and it’s putting pressure on my liver and I’m facing death. And in that moment I remember thinking I need to surrender to God, totally submit to him, because science only goes so much. And then there’s God, and so I learned to submit and trust in God’s sovereignty.
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The next day is Easter, sunday morning and a resurrection day for the Christians, and in walks, someone from the Catholic diocese, because when you get admitted they ask you you know what religion are you? And at the time I was still Catholic. And she said do you want me to pray with you? And I remember thinking, yes, I need a miracle, because the doctors had explained if the therapy that we give you, you know, tonight, doesn’t work, we’re gonna have to go the interventional round and likelihood, you’re gonna die on the table. So I’m like terrified, going to die on the table. So I’m like terrified, and in the room is my boyfriend, who now is my husband, and we form a circle and we start saying the Our Father, our Lord’s Prayer.
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And halfway through, where it says I will be done on earth as it is in heaven, there was an enormous love that enveloped the entire room and it was a love like I had never felt in my life. I totally accepted. Peace washed over me, all my prayers were answered and somewhere deep inside of me I knew, without a doubt, I had received the miracle I had prayed for. Because, he told me and I remember just feeling like I was being cradled by God, and that to me was the concept of unconditional love. It’s like I am here for you, I’ve got your back, you don’t have to worry about anything and I will do everything in my power to make you feel safe and secure. And when she left the room, my boyfriend turned to me and said you felt them too, didn’t you? And in that moment, powerful moment, I knew this boyfriend would become my husband and I knew that God had blessed our union because he had shown his love to both of us and he had answered Donnie’s prayers as well.
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Powerful story, all to say that unconditional love exists from the one above. And when he sent his son here to earth, he taught us Jesus, taught us how to love one another. Because, as he’s being condemned to die, his own disciples had denied him. Peter had denied him Not once, not twice, but three times, and Jesus knew that, going into it and forgives him on the spot, unconditional love. He forgives Judas, who was the one that turned him in, no matter what people did to him. He never condemned them and he could have and he didn’t. And he loved us even though we didn’t deserve it, even though we were sinners, and he humbled himself to come here on earth to teach us how to love one another Through his example and his modeling. Who he hung out with, like I explained in one of my episodes. He hung out with thieves and prostitutes and that whole story of, like my friend being afraid to tell me she was gay because I was Catholic, and that exclusion. But when you bring love into the mix, when you love others the way that God has loved you, even though you didn’t deserve it, you don’t make it about them, you make it about him and you win.
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And I have one story this year that was so profound. It was so profound. I asked for forgiveness with humility to my brother who had horribly offended me, and I didn’t do it for my parents, although they begged me to do it, because I was always a responsible one. I did it for him, for God, because he asked me to and because his word asked me to, and there was something inside of me that felt off. If I was going to follow Christ and be more like him, I needed to learn to love like him, unconditionally. Whether my brother deserved it or not, it was irrelevant. It wasn’t about my brother, it was about Jesus and God and my second chance at life.
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And I’m in a period right now in life where I’m really struggling in my relationships, in my relationships, and the likelihood is that it’s because of the grief I’m in and it’s because of everything I’m going through in my marriage. And I’ve made a decision to love unconditionally, whether my spouse deserves it or not. I’ve made a decision to love my children unconditionally, whether they deserve it or not. I have made a decision to love others, whether they deserve it or not, and I’m not doing it for them. I’m doing it for God, because he loved me this way. He gave me and answered my prayers and I got a second chance to live this beautiful life and I’m not doing everything I can in my power to give back for all that I have received from him.
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So things I want you to reflect on in this episode are are you loving others unconditionally or is your love conditional? I will love you when you do this and this and this for me, because, remember in 1 Corinthians, love is patient, love is kind, love is not self-seeking, and that is key. How do we love? Because, remember in 1 Corinthians, love is patient, love is kind, love is not self-seeking, and that is key. How do we love? We’re very selfish human beings. We love because you know we’re owed.
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So ask yourself, how do I love others? How am I showing up in the world? Am I loving others unconditionally? Am I loving God and loving others His two most prominent commandments and how are you doing and what do you plan to do from this point forward? Because our world needs love. It does not need more hate, it does not need to exclude, it does not need to unfriend, it needs to love despite, it needs to accept despite whether they deserve it or not. I’m Salia Worsham. Thanks so much for tuning in to this episode of Unconditional Love. Have a wonderful week, stay safe, love you all.
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Bye now, so that’s it for today’s episode of Release Doubt Reveal Purpose. Head on over to iTunes or wherever you listen and subscribe to the show. One lucky listener every single week who posts a review on iTunes will win a chance in the grand prize drawing to win a $25,000 private VIP day with Sylvia Worsham herself. Be sure to head on over to ReleasedOutRevealPurposePodcastcom and pick up a free copy of Sylvia’s gift and join us on the next episode.