Be Intuitively You with Intuologist Lenka Schulze

January 21, 2025

This engaging episode focuses on the transformative power of intuition and its essential role in navigating life’s challenges and relationships. Sylvia and Lenka share insights on love, interconnectedness, and how tapping into one’s inner guidance can lead to a fulfilling life aligned with true purpose.

• Discussion of Sylvia’s connection with Lenka
• Exploration of the true meaning of intuition
• Different levels of intuition and their relevance
• Distinction between intellect and innate intelligence
• Challenges of unconditional love and letting go
• The importance of unity and compassion in society
• Tips for accessing and cultivating intuition
• Call for listeners to embrace their inner light and purpose


Speaker 1: 

If you’ve ever struggled with fear, doubt or worry and wondering what your true purpose was all about, then this podcast is for you. In this show, your host, sylvia Worsham, will interview elite experts and ordinary people that have created extraordinary lives. So here’s your host, sylvia Worsham.

Speaker 2: 

Hey, lightbringers, it’s Sylvia Worsham. Welcome to Released Out Revealed Purpose In this episode. I’m talking to Lenka Schultz, and I came about, lenka, actually through email. Somebody reached out to me on my website and said I think you guys should meet, and when I went on her website I thought she’s like a soul sister. You know, when you read a website and you’re like man, I almost know this woman. I’ve never met her before.

Speaker 2: 

That’s kind of the feeling I got from Lenka, and just in the brief introduction prior to coming on to this interview, I felt this connection to her and the way we were even discussing grief journeys and how we just don’t have manuals in life for our life experiences is really what guides us through life and how we need to kind of journey through it. And the intuition that we all have inside of us is really something that both of us share in our journeys, whether in our books or in our chats or in our social media posts. It’s something that we both talk about and so I think there’s a real connection here. So, without further ado, lenka, thank you so much for joining us today from Florida.

Speaker 3: 

Thank you, sylvia. Thank you so much. It’s not so beautiful day, a little cloudy, but I’m still loving this warm weather. Yes, you’re right, it was when I was looking at your stuff on YouTube and your really heartwarming podcast. You talked about grieving and faith and how you came through the journey of your challenges and with health. It was really inspiration to me because it was really raw and real what you were sharing. They just came from your heart and I was saying to myself yep, those are the heart-based communication that I love. So how do I introduce myself? Well, I’m, I like to just say I’m Lenka.

Speaker 3: 

All the other things just really don’t matter, because I would like people to see me exactly just who I am. I love the world of the metaphysics, I love the world of the unknown. The things that drives me is exactly what probably would probably people shy away from. So in my life I dedicated probably over 20 years into intuition. I studied it, I practiced it. I became a medical intuitive with a medical doctor here in Florida and I taught intuition, all of that around that.

Speaker 3: 

But what is really intuition? Um, all of that around that. But what is really intuition? It’s something that we are born with. It is something that has a tremendous volume and has many facets in life. So it’s not just like, oh, I want to see what my neighbor’s doing, is my boyfriend cheating on me? No, that has nothing to do with that, it has so much more. It’s that internal gps of like we were talking earlier. It’s like when we are deep down and bathing in sorrow and grief and or or just anger or whatever that is, somehow somewhere there is that deep intuition. It just drives us forward and guide us to the next step.

Speaker 3: 

So there’s levels of it. You know, the first is the primal right. We all have that. It just is whatever it is. We are here to live, of course, and thrive, but also survive. So the first primal instinct is intuitive sense that whole run if the bear is chasing you. But then the other levels of intuition is the cosmic, is the oneness. It’s like how we can relate to one another without even words.

Speaker 3: 

You know that telepathy, all that is something that is innately in us but we do not know how to tap into it. So it’s like we took our telepathic communication and we bought this instead, but that was built on our computer. We are the divine computer and I just love talking to people about that. It’s like, okay, okay, okay, we go into the AI movement, but please don’t forget who we truly are and make sure that we tell our children what a divine beings we are, how much power we actually possess and how smart we are. We are smarter than Siri. We are smarter than Google. We really are because they were based, they are programmed by information where the information came from, and who translate that information to the 3D? Yes, okay. So again, that’s what I like to talk about, because it’s all. And then these things were created by what Intuition?

Speaker 2: 

I mean some people call it, and here’s a question that I had, because they’ve always asked me. This question Is intuition in Christian circles? Is it the Holy Spirit? Is it the prompting that you get? Is it the gut instinct? Is it the same thing or are they different?

Speaker 3: 

You know, again, vocabulary is just the limited, limited ways of explaining things there’s just living in a subtle world. So if we look at the word, and that means something within us, innate in, like intuition in, innate in inside. So I like to see it the intuition is the language of the soul inside. So I like to see it, the intuition is the language of the soul. So if you want to call it soul, spirit, communication with the divine, it really I believe it’s the same thing. The gut feeling, again, it is the communication of your intuition. So the gut feeling is another element of okay, pay attention, pay attention, just like some moment where you have inspiration. There are all different levels of how you get intuition and gut feeling is one of them.

Speaker 2: 

Okay, yeah, I was curious about that because it was verbiage I used a lot in my first book and actually in the second edition of the first book, which just released in Faith I Thrive, and it was always a question that I would be asked in interviews and so I thought, well, let me ask an entheologist like what exactly is that definition? Are they the same thing? Are they different levels of the same thing? Right, and like you said, it’s inside of us. We do have the power within us, right? If we do believe as Christians, like some of Christianity believes, we’re created in his image and he is the divine and he is the creator of all things, then we’re limitless, right, we’re the ones that limit ourselves, because our minds limit us, our souls do not. Our souls guide us.

Speaker 2: 

So it’s like the ego and the soul identity always kind of battling it out when we experience change in our lives and major stuff. That happens. And sometimes I ask people from which identity are you operating from? Are you operating from soul or are you operating from ego? And if you’re operating from ego? And if you’re operating from ego, you’re going to limit yourself because it’s based on the programming and the things that you, these unhealed wounds that you have that you need to live through and work through and then get to the other side, where the soul is just waiting to guide you, waiting to guide you into your light. Tell us a little bit more about your story of transformation, like how did you land here? How did you land to be an entheologist? Is it something did you have? What kind of childhood did you have?

Speaker 3: 

and I’m gonna go back before because I’m I was not ignoring you, I was making notes. I don’t forget. I wrote down the intellect versus intelligence. So intellect is something that we learn in school. You know, intellectual person is something that had learned information that have been given to that person in the three-dimensional existence. Intelligence, on the other hand, it has been innately given to us. We have divine intelligence. We have intelligence beyond. We can tap into anything and everything if we know how to do that, and so we are very intelligent beings. We are very intelligent beings, but intellect is different, if that makes sense. Intellect takes you a certain level, but intelligence takes you to the limitless realm. I, I, I like to say that because you know, a lot of people say, oh, he’s not intelligent person. No, we all are intelligent, but we have intellect. So that’s the difference.

Speaker 3: 

So how did I start it I? I grew up in Eastern European country under communist regime, and what I found very interesting about it now, not back then, you know, as a kid you don’t really think about things like that, but we, we were living without religion, completely forbidden. So, which really is amazing to me, that you know, yes, we did have a church in the square, but I never really questioned what is it for, or you you know, like it just doesn’t interest you and nobody talks about it. The school doesn’t talk about it, it’s just one of those things. But it’s even to another level that if you would practice a belief system, religion, you would be labeled as crazy, they would put it in your paperwork kind of thing, and that it goes with you and you wouldn’t get a good job or anything like that. So you know, that was my belief system. It’s like, okay, I get that, that’s what was given to you, so, but at the same time it was a blessing because I didn’t have anything that would cloud my mind with some belief system, because it, you know, it was like something somebody told you and you were born into it, right. So that was the belief system that you have been growing up with and this is what your belief system is.

Speaker 3: 

Mine was nothing. I mean, it was like good to be a good person and all those morals and values, but what was around me? It was the metaphysical world more. You know, my dad would take me to different healers and you know, we had the fortune tellers and we had the tarot readers, and you know, things like that, where I was always interested in something that was not explainable. So I don’t know if everybody was like me. I don’t think so, but I was one of those kids, so, you know, when I came.

Speaker 3: 

What was interesting is when I came to America and I started realizing that on the dollar bill we have the God we trust, and then the president of the United States say God bless America. And I’m like, ok, so are all these people crazy, or is it something I’m missing? You know and again, I’m very curious person. So I started just looking into all of these different belief systems and I found it really interesting. And, you know, I find that there’s a lot of similarities between them, and I believe that we all are clinging to the one thing, which is, which is the values, the values of what resonates with you and I, I believe my belief system is that majority of us I think 99 or 9% of us are good, are good, good, and you know, there’s polarization in the world too, though.

Speaker 3: 

So, you know, I think, if there, if there is anything that I learned from, it is just that we’re all on the journey to find the better grounds, the you higher life, the higher love, because the human love is very fleeting and it’s like you were saying in your podcast, the unconditional love it is really hard to come by. You might have little bits and pieces here and there you taste from your children or your husband or from your mom or dad, but that’s not the unconditional love that you experience from your children or your husband or from your mom or dad, but that’s not the unconditional love that you experience from the higher realms. Those feeds you 100% of the time. They will never let you down. You know, there’s just something about this source God or what other people call it that will always be there, always, if you just know how to tap into it. And it’s again part of that whole intuition.

Speaker 2: 

Like I know that, like I know that that is my truth that there’s just something much bigger than just the human existence and you touched on unconditional love, and I do want to touch on that because I think that’s the one piece that we both, that’s a we’re, we’re in total alignment, right of. This is a concept that I’ve tried to explain to even my husband. Like, when the whole law of like and christianity is love god and love others. That’s what he wants for us to do, right, love, love me and love others and put me first. And when you put him first, when you honor him through your actions, when you love others the way that he loved us and the way he loves us, which is very pure and very loving and only wants the light for us and wants us to, you know, fulfill that light within us.

Speaker 2: 

Everything else kind of falls into place. Like they, you don’t have the well, the judgments that come into play with relationships of like. Well, I’m not doing it because he’s not doing it for me, right? You kind of take that out of the equation. That doesn’t even fall into it. It’s. You’re not doing it for me, right? You kind of take that out of the equation. That doesn’t even fall into it. You’re not doing it for your spouse, you’re doing it for this higher power, this higher source of power because of the love that you feel from him or her, or however you view your higher source of power right, and I do think that we’re all interconnected. All of us are interconnected. We just don’t talk a lot about that.

Speaker 2: 

And that’s why we have such polarization in the world right now is everybody’s like it’s a me, me, me, me, me and not a we mentality. There’s no. How can I help you, how can I love you, how can I put you first before my own needs? It’s me, me, me, me, me and I. I don’t know how we’re going to shift this around. Like, and, all honesty, I don’t know how many more of us need to be out there talking more and more about this intuition and intuitiveness that we all carry inside of us, because right now we’re in a state where there’s just so much division and I see it not just here in the United States, I see it everywhere Honestly like, and everybody wants to use religion or politics or something to kind of divide us.

Speaker 2: 

But the truth is, we all carry the same genius. We all carry the same genius, we all carry the same capability of genius inside of us. We’re just not tapping into it where we’re allowing, like, the human condition to kind of dictate how we’re living our lives and our journeys. You know, it’s like, oh, the next achievement and the next whatever, and that’s what’s going to bring me the happiness, when in truth, the happiness is already inside of us. There’s like a joy switch inside of us that we can just turn on and off if we want to, but we just choose not to. I don’t know. I don’t know why we are how we are. You know? Do you have any idea why there’s so much polarization in the world today?

Speaker 3: 

Well, I would go back into the beginning of your comments. I wrote it down again. So, when you were saying you know you are working for him, you know when you’re loving somebody you don’t love them for them, but for him, right? So it’s kind of like I agree with that and sometimes it’s just speaking different language. So how I look at it is is that when we understand we are one with God, we’re not working for him, we are one with him, which means and metaphysically you step into the vibrational frequency of love that God is and everything. Once you step into that vibrational frequency of love, everything you say, do, see or act is with that vibrational frequency. There’s not doing per se, it’s just being. And people resonate with that. My majority of them not yet. Okay, that’s the key. Not yet.

Speaker 3: 

Because I remember when I opened up my nonprofit center here in Florida and spiritual center, and my whole goal was to do exactly what we’re talking about. It’s just bringing the awareness you know, just, we are all one, we are on the same journey. And then this one person came to me and he really meant it. I thought was kidding. But he goes like oh, why are you doing this? And I’m like well, because it was non-profit. You see, what do you mean? Well, no, not really like. Why are you doing this? I’m like well, I want to help people like. I want to give the world a better place. He didn’t buy it. He was not buying it. It was just like there has to be some agenda. So that’s kind of thing is because that unconditional love vibration is not anchored here enough yet. So when we walk in it and we are omitting it in through our aura, people can be repelled by it or they will be magnetized to it, you know, so they’re going to come be like let me see what that is all about.

Speaker 3: 

Oh, I like it, or they be repelled still but, but I think, is that the polarization is just showing us that that we just have to be in it so much more without really caring of what’s going on with them. Why? Why would we want to do that? Is because we cannot change what other people do, but we can. We can definitely change what we can do. So it’s like their action I can. I cannot control, but I can certainly control my reaction, and if I throw back the love, it stops right there. It doesn’t go any further, because it’s just like, if you just like kind of go like what are you going to do? Like that’s, I don’t, I’m not going to fight you, I’m not going to argue with you, I’m not you know it’s just like you throw love back.

Speaker 3: 

What are they going to do if they are disarmed? But also, what I was going to say is that oh, just now, I just escaped my. Let me see if I have in my note um it’s going to come back to me, but it’s not about necessarily doing. It’s more about being. Oh, this is what I was going to say.

Speaker 3: 

When we are vibrating much higher levels. You know the whole unconditional love. We naturally shifting and changing the environment around us and that is something to consider, that that is the God’s work. It just simply as that. And you come home exhausted and upset and beaten down and unwise. And no just. You have to trust again, you know, release the doubt, trust that what are you doing is working. It’s just you’re not necessarily going to get pat on the back and metal, you know, on the wall. For all your hard work you’ve been doing just like jesus didn’t yeah, he didn’t. He. He was not going on the street to be recognized or have followers and all that. He was just doing his thing.

Speaker 3: 

And I think that is that humble existence, that the light workers out there don’t get recognized. They actually the light workers. They don’t have the huge followings because they probably don’t resonate yet with the other people who have the show and the glamour and all the other stuff. So they have the time to work on that, that whole show. But the light workers are too busy of working the light with the light. That’s kind of how I see it.

Speaker 2: 

That’s kind of and I’ve thought about that over time, because there are some people that the way I’ve actually chosen to see it is that the light bringers are influencing the influencers that have that big stadium, you know, to be able to kind of share their delight and how to get it, and we’re always behind the scenes. We’re not the ones at the forefront of it, we’re. We’re behind the scenes, kind of feeding into the ears of these big influencers that are that have the popular opinion out there. And if we can shift the big influencers around, then we’ve done our work right, because then we are projecting even more light. But there are some that don’t always have the message down. You know they are sharing something that’s popular as opposed to something that is real, you know, and they’re not talking about the real issues at times. You know they’re talking about the real issues at times. You know they’re talking about the popular issues, right, and and the real issue is that there there is light within us all and there is a soul just waiting to kind of guide us into these higher levels of thinking, higher levels of being. Like you said, it’s not so much a doing, it’s being. Because he was, he was just out there being his mission, he didn’t care, he had 12 followers, quote unquote. In today’s world, that would be nothing. It would be like, oh my gosh, he doesn’t even have a thousand, or you know, and it doesn’t really matter.

Speaker 2: 

That pursuit, I think, of significance is what we all kind of fall into. It’s an ego trap that we fall into in this journey. Is that need for significance from other people? Instead of the applause that you’re getting from your higher source of power, because that’s who’s watching, that’s who’s taking note, that’s who’s like seeing everything you’re getting from your higher source of power, cause that’s who’s watching, that’s who’s taking note, that’s who’s like seeing everything you’re doing and is applauding you from up above, you know, from a very high level of like you’re doing your job, you’re doing your purpose, you know is. Is this your purpose for? Is this your divine purpose, lenka, or is this a seasonal purpose for you?

Speaker 3: 

Well, seasonal? Definitely not seasonal. No, because I think we all can look back, especially in our age. We can look back and see, you know, there’s some kind of threat of common behavior or interest, and this definitely always has been mine. So, yes, you know, when you have been assisting others you have been assisting since kid If it was your brothers or your parents or whatever. It’s just in you. You can’t beat that out of people. And you also see if somebody pretends, you know with their mission, you know with their. Again, some kind of a picture on the wall with orphans, you know it’s just like is it necessary? Because the people who truly are working, they don’t have time for pictures and they don’t have time to put it on a Facebook. So it’s again, it’s that.

Speaker 3: 

But I was going to go back because I love your comments and I don’t want to interrupt you. So you know, when you were talking about unconditional and conditional love, I was going to go back to that is that when I talk to people and they’re like, oh, I love my children unconditionally or oh, I love my husband unconditionally, and then I challenge that, I would say, well, when you do that, you have to realize that. Let’s just say that your husband chosen another female and or wants to just go pursue his golf game and leave you completely. To just go pursue his golf game and leave you completely. Would you be on the spot, able to let him go, just because you love him so much that you want his happiness more than yours? And that’s the question of unconditional. Unconditional, it is like letting people go. Would you grieve him, would you be upset, would you cry?

Speaker 3: 

Yes, that has nothing to do with the fact that if you love somebody unconditional, you can hold them. They’re not yours and they never have been they have. You’re just like children, when they are with children, with parents, and they they died, unfortunately too early. Same thing they never been yours, they’ve been. Gods right, you had the privilege. So it’s kind of like you have to let them pass to where they belong. They never belong to you.

Speaker 3: 

So we have this kind of concept of you know, holding on to relationships because we love them so much. It’s about letting them go also. That is part of the loving. And then you were saying the, the people who having the message and then the ones who actually kind of being the message. So it’s kind of like having the tune or tone, like so somebody can have a tone but not everybody can hold the tune. It’s kind of like that and it’s really hard to tell just over social media. It’s about the intuitive senses, being with that person on a deeper, intuitive levels, and then you can sense it because there’s nothing wrong with sending the message out, but it’s like broadcasting the radio station that I feel Jesus was you know, bringing down and putting them where he was walking.

Speaker 3: 

It was like anchoring the radio station and 2,000 years later it’s still broadcasting. I mean, he had his own down, so it’s just like it’s still so strong. So when a person says something, does it touch you somehow, do you feel the message, or do you kind of like, oh, that sounds good. You write it down and you like, yeah, it’s kind of empty. But you see, it’s just like if they don’t have the transmutational power in their heart, it’s just kind of bypassing it glazes over is what it does.

Speaker 2: 

It’s weird. I, when I read a message, immediately, immediately, I feel like something in my heart, like a fluttering in my heart, and that is Christ’s way of saying that’s meant for you or that’s something that is real. That is true when I have messengers that he sends and I get the like from the crown all the way into the heart and there’s this like complete. You know how, when it tingles like that, like a tingling sensation and I had I described it a lot in the book because some people don’t know to recognize when it’s the divine connecting with you and when it’s your mind talking to you, and it was like, can you, can you help me? You know, understand the difference between the two and can you describe it? And just like you were saying you, you, you can read a message and it’s just like it doesn’t really resonate with you and so to you it’s like a false kind of like what they used to call the false prophets right like people that were sharing these messages that were just not the truth, right.

Speaker 2: 

And then you have the light bringers that are constantly sharing this light and connectedness. And it’s not very popular right now, but if you look back at even old scripture and stuff, they weren’t popular either. These guys were writing letters from prison. It’s like Paul. The majority of the New Testament was written in prison, you know, and it wasn’t very popular at the time, but now it’s super popular because they looked at like all the suffering he went through just to get the message out of like, believe in this. And he was an atheist.

Speaker 2: 

I didn’t realize that about Paul until I started to understand the characters in the Bible and stuff and it was like I didn’t realize that guy was an atheist and then had a moment, an epiphany that kind of changed his direction and his purpose in life, right, because he was the guy that was going to persecute those who believed and then all became all of a sudden, became a believer from one experience and then started to kind of preach and got imprisoned and wrote letters.

Speaker 2: 

And I kind of see it like that to a degree, that some of the messages that we’re sharing they’re not very popular in the moment, but they might be popular later, when things start to unravel and start to be seen a little bit more later. And so what keeps you going like when, when you see what’s going on in the world and you’re not getting the, you want to get the message out. And there’s times that doubt does come into my heart, of like am I on the right path here? Do Do I need new direction? Does that ever happen to you? And, and and when it does, how do you kind of get yourself out of there?

Speaker 3: 

So I’ll share something with with you about the messages and all that you were talking about. I feel that that we are setting up a platform that is going to be needed almost I think that’s how it is. It’s, you know, it’s a solid platform, so eventually people will be able to step on it, just like other things that have been done with whatever. But I also I didn’t want to go really online and all that. I just was thinking of doing my own thing because I don’t really like to be on cameras and it’s just it, just I, just that’s just not me. But what propelled me towards it is the AI movement, because I have realized that if we take the AI and you know we have it in our living room, that’s, you know, let’s say, there’s a lot of devices and we have them in our living room, and then you have a couple of families. I’ll just give you an example. You have a family who there’s a domestic violence and that the device is picking it up right, it’s AI and it’s constantly saying nasty things and you know violence and blah, blah, blah. So that’s being recorded. And then you have that same machine and a very loving family with the you know, compassion and kindness and all these high values. And so I realized like, okay, so where are we with this?

Speaker 3: 

So if AI is actually becoming the vehicle for our future, we need all our lightworkers. We have to put our doubts, our insecurities, our shyness doubts, our insecurities, our shyness are not good enough aside. It’s not about me anymore, it’s about the message and tipping that scale of these good messages and bombarding the AI with that. So it’s almost like our responsibility to be in the faces, to have as many podcasts as possible, because that’s what exactly our purpose is is that we cannot hide anymore. Majority of us are actually hermits that we like to be kind of in our living room, in our little gardens or do our own thing. We don’t seek the followers, we’re not seeking the fame, we’re just kind of doing our thing. But honestly, I think it’s our responsibility to really get out there and start speaking and really bombarding the AI with our messages, because the negativity on the other side had been plenty for the last 2000 years.

Speaker 2: 

Yeah, yeah, and I totally agree with you on that. And in fact it was something that kind of came to me this morning because even in our own dynamics, in our own families, we we have interconnected like intermole, right, and it’s like how do you, how do you combat that? Like, how do you reverse that? And you’re right, the only thing that can reverse all this negativity is love, this unconditional love and these messages of love, because that’s the only way you disarm fear. The only thing that can conquer fear is love and faith and compassion and gentleness and kindness. And we got to spread it as much as we can, because the other side has been spreading so much of the negativity that it’s everywhere. It’s so subconscious, it’s in all the subliminal messaging on TV, all the different shows. And I don’t know about you, like, the more I step into the light side of things, the more my body rejects all the things that are not light driven. And I noticed that in recent weeks it’s like just the.

Speaker 2: 

The shows that I choose to watch on TV, all of them are about angels, about divine and all the different callings and stuff, and you know, faith-based movies and and not as much violence like the violent part of it. I’m just like I’m not really into this anymore. I used to be, but it’s not my thing anymore and my family knows that. They’re like all of my. You know, when you go and you have your different profiles, like for tv right, and you go into mine and donnie’s, like my husband’s, like oh my gosh, yours are all just like faith-based, angel-based. You know these things. I’m like I just want to watch a movie with you and on his side it’s like all this I don’t know cooking shows and different things and you can see the different profiles and you know whose profile you’re on. Or you’ll see a lot of romantic comedies online. You know, because they’re lighthearted, they’re not like these big dramatic. You know because they’re light-hearted, they’re not like these big dramatic. You know things and I find that so interesting how the body starts to shed and not want what’s not good for it.

Speaker 2: 

It’s like the soul and the body knows and and I’ll tell you that our bodies were created so perfectly, like even my sister, who’s a doctor, said that when she was in medical school. She was like this is the most beautiful body, the perfection of this body is amazing, like when doctors get to see everything on the inside and how everything’s created. It’s really awe-inspiring. And I’ll tell you, as my father was dying, the body starts to kind of guide you in the process of, like, the transition. You’ll see it, when the body starts to lose weight, it starts to lose all the excess stuff in it, you know, and it goes stage by stage.

Speaker 2: 

It’s really as painful as it is for me to talk about. It’s also beautiful to know how the body starts to transition for the next life and and it just starts to shed everything it doesn’t need. So but at the end, like we we as human beings are like, oh, we don’t want to starve our loved ones, right, we want to stop getting them nutrition or water. But the body starts to guide you to not give it nutrition and not give it water because it was preparing itself to go and it actually blocks it, right and in the last moments in life, it just did.

Speaker 2: 

It just knows what to do, it knows exactly what to do and knows how to transition. Um, it’s like when we first, when I first had my baby, I wasn’t taught how to hold a child, but intuitively, you know how to hold your child because it’s within you. All the answers are there. You know you’re like oh, I know I don’t want my baby, but when it’s not your child and you haven’t had a child yet, it’s interesting. You don’t know how to do that until you become a mother is weird. And and you know exactly how to change them, even though you’ve never been. You know. I find that so odd.

Speaker 3: 

it’s like breathing, you know, and that you they send you to the classes to learn how to breathe through the birth process and I’m like that is just like the most ridiculous thing ever. I mean we have been doing this for millions of years and I have to go learn how to do it. I mean that is like, come on, it’s just going against our women back in the days of biblical times do it.

Speaker 2: 

We all did it the same way. You know exactly we want to do it. The body knows how to do it, you know, and, and we just complicate it it’s one thing that doesn’t need evolution.

Speaker 3: 

Our body is perfect, you know, it’s just, it really is. We do not need to put any chemicals, anything in it. The body knows exactly what to do and how to produce what it needs to produce if you need it. So it’s. It’s a very humbling experience, but you know, it’s like you were talking about the movies. It’s all about resonance, really. It’s.

Speaker 3: 

It’s about like I was watching something and it was, you know, some mystical in it and had some spiritual stuff, and then I go into the fighting. I’m like they can figure out anything else because it’s kind of getting old. We were doing this for 2 000 years. Can the script be something different? I mean, like you said, you’re getting sick of it. I don’t think we are the only ones like. We are so done. The producers have to start creating something more creative than fighting, because we know how it’s gonna end. I it’s just like so giving right.

Speaker 3: 

But it is even the cooking shows you were talking about. You know, I love, I used to love cooking shows and I stopped watching them because, again, I did not like the polarization of competition. Why do you have to compete with your cakes or your creation? Your creation is your creation For these people to judge. See, that is a low vibrational frequency that’s like and then giving some kind of you are better than the other. No, that person created it with the same kind of passion and joy and love.

Speaker 3: 

And just because you don’t like it, just like teachers who are teachers, to grade your essay or your, your piece of art or anything, anything creative should never be judged. That, to me, is evil right there, because it is going against the creativity, against the nature of who we are. So as long as we participate in that, we still are in that polarization and competition which, again, competition is another word that is going to be non-existent in no time. The currency that we’re going to be exchanging our goods will be with integrity, honesty and trust that I’m going to know exactly where I’m going, what I’m going to get, because I’m going to trust that person, because it has a values aligned with that integrity. Right now we don’t know. We do not know. Our intuitive senses are so confused because we have trusted individuals and companies and politicians and doctors or whoever, even electricians, plumbers, I mean, I can go on and on and on that we were been disappointed and disappointment is part of deception, you know.

Speaker 3: 

So if somebody disappoints you, please take it to your heart, because there’s something in it that was causing you being deceived, and you know it’s really it’s a really kind of a formula that we have to dissect, because if we understanding the formula, we will get very easily back into the intuitive senses. So if somebody says, oh, I cannot give you the prize because that it’s already like, why not like, just let’s, let’s be transparent here? That you do. You see, it’s like, it’s like that, then you know it’s a game.

Speaker 2: 

It’s a game that they’re playing. They’re playing a game and they’re saying, and they’re, it’s the scarcity mentality of like you gotta buy it now or you’re gonna lose the opportunity.

Speaker 2: 

Well then, it’s not an opportunity meant for me if that’s if I have to buy it in the second. You know, and there’s a lot of those tactics going around, like even in our business, right in in the speaking world, in the authorship world, you know all that. All these people have these, these things that they do right. And I encountered it when I was first looking to publish my, my very first book, and this guy that was wanting to get my business was just very hardcore, like coming at me and he said, well, I have this open till this time and if you don’t jump on it now, you’re gonna lose this much. And I said, well, then it’s not meant for me because it’s not feeling right inside of me and if I it’s, it’s that intuitive sense that kicks in. It’s like it’s not, it’s not what is meant for you at this moment. So next, you know, and and it’s it’s learning to turn inwards for those answers instead of looking outside of yourselves or what you’re to do next it’s really the answers are not outside of us. I’ve learned that through my own experiences in life, through my own failures, because I’ve had failures, all these trials and tribulations that we’ve gone through and challenges. They’ve taught us lessons along the way that now we have the privilege of being able to apply when we face him again, because there’s always a next time that you’re going to be faced with something and it I look back now and the way I see God kind of preparing me for the transition into like the ultimate graduation into heaven is that he’s teaching me everything I need to learn to be at that high frequency that you’re going to be at when you arrive in heaven. And it’s an extremely different sense of being up there to be at that high frequency that you’re going to be at when you arrive in heaven. And it’s an extremely different sense of being up there, like the unconditional love that people have experienced. Because I read books on this, like I said, prior to my father dying, to kind of prepare myself for that journey.

Speaker 2: 

And there’s this book that was written by John Burke. He’s a New York Times bestselling author and he wrote on near-death experiences. I don’t know if you’ve ever read his books or not and he’s been studying them for the last 25 years. He is the founder of a church here in Austin, but before that he was an electrical engineer. Totally different jobs, totally different purposes in life and one day it just like God told me to open up a church in Austin and I want you to do this. And he’s like so I’m supposed to move from California and open up one in Austin Texas but look, I have nobody in Austin Texas. He was married with kids, young kids, and he just obeyed and opened up the church and it’s been there forever.

Speaker 2: 

But and the way he came about the near-death experiences was somebody gave him a book as his father was dying. He was an agnostic and he was just very angry with God and didn’t really want to believe in him and really didn’t want to know anything about him. But he started to study these near-death experiences and what they found was that it didn’t matter the religion these people were. Some were atheists, some were buddhists, catholics, all of them were all, grouped together, muslims, and they all died clinically and went to heaven and they had this experience. And the experience was this unconditional love that they had never felt before here on earth. It was indescribable and the and the colors they saw in heaven and just the people they experienced in heaven and just how they experienced it. And they started to track these near-death experiences and they all had the same variables, like the same commonalities, and it didn’t matter what religion they came from.

Speaker 2: 

So it was really an interesting book because it touches a lot on what we’re talking about, that interconnectedness. It doesn’t matter what religion you subscribe to, doesn’t matter where you come from, doesn’t matter. We all end up in the same place. We are all connected, we are all here for a purpose and it’s it’s finding that journey, is finding that purpose and living it out loud, you know, and living it on purpose, you know, and being that light bringer, because you’re all have light within you. I mean, you saw how I introduced the show hey, light bringers, we’re all light bringers. We all have that capacity. We just are not using that capacity Right. Any last minute tips for people that want to gain some insight into this interview that you can give.

Speaker 3: 

I love the topic of the near-death experience and what I found through my clients a couple of them, not a lot, but I did a lot of readings and I find that very fascinating. When they come back, they will never vibrate on the lower frequencies ever again. They can never go back. So it’s, it is truly the amazing touch from god to bring them down, bombard them with so much light and they send them away. Like you said, doesn’t matter if they’re muslims or christian. You know, you guys, you like boom and you go out. So it’s like upgrade. Yes, it’s scary and it’s shocking and all that. But that’s what I see with the NDA experience, because when I had one time a lady, she would be like, she came and her senses was obviously not all here on a human level. She was saying like, like she would be able to open up her wallet and just give money away to whoever. Like you know their senses, just not here on the third dimension. But with that big heart, they never be able to close the heart fully again, which is so beautiful, because people out there are truly walking light and there are so many of them now, which is wonderful.

Speaker 3: 

Last tips Gosh, I like what you do and I would have the same message is that you know we perhaps not going to master our unconditional love, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t try, because I believe in neuroplasticity, which means like a habits right. So which means you do something and eventually it going to stick, just like anything else, and once you do it more and more and more you will become it. Just like Jesus was not healing people, he was the healing. So you see, he walked around you and you were already healed, that kind of thing. So it’s just like us too is that we are loving beings. But the more and more we bring it forefront and take conscious, like kind of intention or prayer to be that, to be that vessel for that light, for the love, it becomes more ingrained in our cellular structure. And so we don’t have to do the love, we are the love. And even though you know people think, oh, that means you never say a bad word, you never get upset.

Speaker 3: 

None of that is true. That is not true. We don’t care. People like that doesn’t care about being liked or you being their friend. That’s not their interest. They have higher love that they are committed to their life too. So I want the people to realize that all of this, that they’re working so hard in their polarization, it really doesn’t matter. It’s just more concentrating their energy into that higher realms. That that’s where they’re going to get the kudus after.

Speaker 2: 

That’s awesome. Thank you so much for coming on here on to Release Doubt, reveal Purpose, lenka, and for sharing all your insight and wisdom as it comes to intuition, because that is a big topic and it is something that is needed in this world. If people wanted to work with you or to touch base with you, connect with you, how can they do that?

Speaker 3: 

I make it really simple. I am kind of on social media YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, but all the things you find on lenkaorg okay, lenkaorg awesome that’s wonderful.

Speaker 2: 

Well, thank you so much for joining us today and for the, for the listeners, of released out reveal purpose. Remember five matthew 514. Be the light. Have a wonderful week, stay safe, love y’all bye now.

Speaker 1: 

So that’s it for today’s episode of Release Doubt Reveal Purpose. Head on over to iTunes or wherever you listen and subscribe to the show. One lucky listener every single week who posts a review on iTunes will win a chance in the grand prize drawing to win a $25,000 private VIP day with Sylvia Worsham herself. Be sure to head on over to ReleasedOutRevealPurposePodcastcom and pick up a free copy of Sylvia’s gift and join us on the next episode.
