Embark on A Life-Changing Journey and Discover  How To Thrive in Life By Stepping Into Your Destined, God-Given Purpose

Finding Happiness, Fulfillment and a Deep Connection to Source

You’re a Successful & Experienced Professional
But You’re Overwhelmed, Stressed And Have Lost Focus.

Does any of this sound familiar?
  • In the midst of spiritual change and desiring a “fresh start”, but held back by wondering how to make it happen.
  • Struggling with feelings of inadequacy unless certain success milestones are met.
  • Fearful of uncertainty and attempting to control every aspect of your circumstances.
  • Feeling emotionally spent and overwhelmed, uncertain of the next steps.
  • Operating under the belief that joy comes at the cost of sacrifice.
  • Experiencing uncomfortable degrees of guilt and shame.
If you’re reading this, and any of the above applies to you, then...

Join Other Professional Women Just Like You Who Are Seeking Freedom, Joy and Total Surrender to God


Your Change Starts Here

Here’s What this is and why you need it

Are you ready to step fearlessly into the life God has destined for you? If your answer is "yes!", or you feel that your spirit is willing, then I encourage you to consider the transformation of spiritual mentorship available to you right now...

That's precisely what I deliver LIVE every month in intimate mastermind or 1-on-1 sessions, exclusively designed for professional women like you.

Receive spiritual guidance and breakthrough strategies that demonstrate how to overcome fear, doubt, and self-sabotage. We will explore the parts of your life that are causing you stress and identify the changes you need to make, all from a spiritual perspective.

Joining this spiritual mentorship Mastermind will prevent you from getting stuck in negative patterns and help you maintain CONSISTENT GROWTH like you’ve never experienced before. Read on to discover how you can embrace a life of joy, surrender to God, trust your intuition, and live the life God has planned for you…

Sylvia Worsham
Sylvia was amazing! Her coaching really helped me understand unconscious patterns in my life that have held me back from so much personal and professional growth. I think everyone would benefit from her coaching and can’t recommend her enough!”
Jordan C.

Sylvia's Masterminds


Freedom From Fear

Level 1

12 Week mastermind

Module 1: Identifying & Uprooting Beliefs that Keep you Stuck
Module 2: The Power of the 2 Minds
Module 3: What you Focus on Determines Your Outcomes
Module 4: Feelings vs. Intuition
Module 5: Drop the EGO and Allow Your Soul to Guide You
Module 6: Create New Habits to Lead a Life Free from Fear


Joy In The Journey

Level 2

12 Week mastermind

Module 7: Creating a Vision For the Life You Desire
Module 8: From Belief in God to Trust in Him
Module 9: Stretch From Comfort Zone To Your Capacity Zone
Module 10: Self-Love & Gift of Receiving
Module 11: Detach From Others’ Energy & Attitudes
Module 12: Accept & Align to God’s Master Plan for Your Life


Trusting In God's Sovereignty

Level 3

12 Week Mastermind

Module 13: Operating from the Authentic Self
Module 14: Surrender Control & Submit to God’s Way
Module 15: Joyfully Identify with Your Divine Soul’s Purpose
Module 16: God’s Providence
Module 17: The Power of Prayer
Module 18: Such as a Time as This

I was a hot mess when Sylvia started to coach me... It took time to see how I failed to listen to my God instincts for so many years, because I doubted and misunderstood the prompting in my heart. She helped me through one of the most challenging transitions of my life... and now I am living the life I wanted to live. I am emerging into the woman and life God created for me."
Joyce G.

LIVE Guided Sessions, Formulated For Women Just Like You.

Join me in my Masterminds or opt for 1-on-1 coaching to engage in self-reflection and take actionable steps towards a life you love. Graduates of my Mastermind courses frequently express a newfound sense of self-worth and share their experiences of harnessing the power of their subconscious mind to work for them, rather than against them.

  • Break free from fear and self-sabotage, embracing a consistent outpour of joy
  • Surrender daily and eliminate doubt by trusting your intuition
  • Harness effortless decision-making and efficiently utilize your energy for positive change
  • Confidently step into change for the better, responding quickly to the Spirit's promptings
  • Surrender control to God’s Divine Plan, shaping a brighter future for you and your family

Your Next Steps

This One Decision Could Forever Change Your Future


Answer a few short questions to so that Sylvia can understand your needs.


FREE consultation

Setup a free call to see if this is right for you and determine which level best suits you.



If this is the right fit, you’ll know it. Begin the Mastermind Journey with Sylvia


How to Navigate Life's Challenges with Confidence and Purpose

This FREE chapter from my latest book delves into the powerful role of belief in overcoming life's toughest obstacles and finding a renewed purpose.