Who Am I

February 27, 2025

Unveiling your true identity can transform your life in profound ways. We delve into the pivotal questions of self-worth, value, and the effects of shame on our belief systems. This episode blends personal stories with practical insights, aimed to encourage listeners to embrace their God-given identities.

• Exploring the connection between identity and faith
• Understanding the impact of shame and guilt on self-perception
• Discussing the value of community support in personal growth
• Emphasizing intrinsic worth over external validation from others
• The role of prayer and reflection in realizing one’s identity
• Practical strategies for recognizing and overcoming past blockages

Be sure to check out the opportunity to win a private VIP day with Sylvia Worsham by leaving a review on iTunes!


Speaker 1: 

If you’ve ever struggled with fear, doubt or worry and wondering what your true purpose was all about, then this podcast is for you. In this show, your host, sylvia Worsham, will interview elite experts and ordinary people that have created extraordinary lives. So here’s your host, sylvia Worsham.

Speaker 2: 

Hey, lightbringers, it’s Sylvia Worsham. Welcome to Released Out Revealed Purpose. In this episode. We are going to be talking about your identity. What is your identity? Who are you really? And this is a question that was posed to me at a two-day training I received at Gateway North, because I’m going to step into ministry and be coaching one-on-one, and it’s something that I’m really excited about, and the type of training I received was invaluable because it was done from the spiritual perspective. So I’m already a life coach certified life coach. For those that are listening, I’ve been certified since 2017 at the John Maxwell team, but for the last four years, I’ve spent it writing and being obedient to God in that skill set, and so I put my coaching practice on pause and now I’m stepping fully into that role once again, but now from a ministry perspective.

Speaker 2: 

The one thing that really intrigued me about this training were those two questions who am I? And it asks you these questions because it’s asking you who are you in Christ? It’s a concept that I have struggled with as a non-denominational Christian. I’ve oftentimes thought about all the roles I play. You know I’m a wife and a mother, but primarily I am his child, and what does that mean when I show up in the world. How does that show up in the world? When we carry our traumas and we carry our guilt and we carry the shame. Unfortunately we project it onto our selves, like in our inner circles, the people we influence, the people we work with. That comes out of a subconsciously. So it’s a really interesting question to ask yourself in reflection. Who am I? I am a child of God. I am his. I was knitted in the womb specifically for a purpose. But you see, what has been blocking me from fully receiving that inheritance from my Heavenly Father has been the shame I’ve been carrying for the last say. I’m 50, now more than 30 years.

Speaker 2: 

For those that don’t know, I’m currently in individual therapy. I’m undergoing EMDR to identify the belief systems that were formed during my formative years in high school when I was bullied. I’ve carried certain aspects of it into my parenting and right now my 10-year-old daughter really needs me to be there for her in a very high level way. So I intentionally put myself through therapy to identify the beliefs, and one of the things that I encountered this weekend in the training was what we were doing was we were kind of taking turns, being the coach, the client and the observer, and they asked us to pick a goal, like something that we wanted to work through, and that’s what I decided to work through, because I wanted the perspective. I wanted to invite Christ into that question and what I found was so beautiful. I found that at the core of it, it wasn’t just the acceptance like I’m not accepted as a belief system, it was I don’t.

Speaker 2: 

People don’t see my value right, but when you, you, when you put expectations on others to give you value in lieu of you taking the value that god has given you already, you’re constantly going to be in this cycle of failing, if you will like, staying stuck because other human beings are flawed. They’re not going to give you what you need, but god will. God has already done it. He’s already told you. He sent his son, who died on the cross, who’s given you that inheritance, to know that you’re valuable. And it was during the reading of the letter from God. I don’t know if anybody’s read this before, but from all the people that were in the training. It’s something that’s out there, then. It’s something that’s out there and it’s not necessarily. I mean, they have scripture kind of backing it up, like in how the letters formed, but I wanted to read the letter here because I wanted you guys to close your eyes and and insert your name.

Speaker 2: 

When I say dear child, just in my case it’s going to be dear Sophia. I will tell you what resonated with me, what made me just understand fully what has been that blockage that has been standing between me and my light, and fully receiving the inheritance of being his kid. So here we go, dear child, I’m writing because I know that sometimes you have questions about life. I know this because I know everything about you. I know every pain, disappointment and unmet need, and not just in you either, but your parents and their parents all the way back. Because of all that, I understand what you’re going through and why. So I want to tell you a few things that might help, though I know it will still be hard for you.

Speaker 2: 

It was hard for me too. First, I made you in my image. Second, you are worth so much to me I was willing to die so that we might have a relationship. Third, I knit you together in a very special way. You are incredibly valuable and nothing can ever take those three things away. I didn’t cause the evil you experienced that comes from a fallen world filled with fallen people and an enemy that seeks to destroy you because he knows I love you and he wants to try and separate us. He is relentless and cunning. Watch out for him.

Speaker 2: 

I know you can’t fully understand certain things and you might be angry, hurt or confused at times, but I’m asking you to trust me. I promise I will use it all for good if you’ll let me. Sometimes you’ll see this happen in your lifetime, and sometimes it will take generations, and so you will not see it in your lifetime. But I promise you that if you do trust me, it will all be worth it. You’ll see. In the meantime, please know that I have a plan and a purpose for your life. I have given you gifts and abilities to do what I created you to do. I will guide you by my word and spirit into these things. Do your best to listen to my voice and follow me. I know things were not perfect where you were born, sometimes far from it.

Speaker 2: 

Sometimes it was really bad. Please remember that’s not how I designed the world to be and that I never left your side. There will be justice. You can trust me for that. Justice is part of who I am. When injustice grieves you, it grieves me even more, and something will be done about it. Just leave it with me. At the same time, you don’t have to be ashamed around me for your mistakes and failures. My son Jesus paid for those on the cross, for everyone who believes in him.

Speaker 2: 

I am the father who will always love you, no matter what. I am for you, in good times and bad, when you’re doing well and when you’re struggling. Even if you run in the opposite direction than me, I will still be with you. Even when there are consequences for your mistakes, I will not abandon you. Don’t ever let anyone tell you different. Remember that Satan is a liar and the father of lies, and that is so often how he likes to attack. Fight his lies with the truth of my word. The world is sometimes not an easy place to live, but hang on. I do have good things for you. I absolutely delight in giving them to you. One is your unique purpose and mission. Work hard on it, even when people don’t notice or appreciate you. I do and will reward you for your hard work and one day there will be no more sadness and you’ll experience more and more of my love forever. You might have a hard time seeing me in the situations you’ll face as you do the work I have for you, but you can be sure that I’m with you. If you seek me, you will find me. I will light your path. Remember you’re always in my thoughts and you always will be. I love you, dad. So that’s the letter, guys.

Speaker 2: 

I remember sitting in there and I couldn’t even speak. I got so emotional because he’s telling me that I’m incredibly valuable. You see, nothing can ever take those three things away. He created me for a purpose and the things that I’ve gone through, the bullying, all of it has been for my good, to prepare me for something even better. And he never abandoned me. I was never alone. What I’m trying to share with you very vulnerably in this episode is that you are valuable already Just because you’re his kid. He’s your heavenly dad and he needed you for a very particular purpose in life.

Speaker 2: 

I had made the mistake when I was a young woman. I searched for significance from others. I placed it on them. The expectation was on them, and remember what I’ve said in previous episodes expectations are predetermined resentments. People are going to fail you because they’re flawed. They’re not Christ, but who you are in him. That’s where your value resides, and when you put him first and you honor him with your everyday actions, when you love him and love others, which are his two essential commandments, you are fulfilling your role now. You have to think of it in the context of your gifts. You are fulfilling your role Now you have to think of it in the context of your gifts. What are you truly gifted at?

Speaker 1: 

In my case.

Speaker 2: 

I’m truly gifted in verbal and written.

Speaker 2: 

I have been writing books and I’m gifted as a coach. I’ve been told. People that have coached with me have said you intuitively know where to guide us. It’s because I allow the Holy Spirit to come through me. Even on podcast interviews I’ve allowed and I’ve stayed open to his guidance. That relationship I’ve always had with Christ has been very evident. Had with Christ has been very evident. But to find my identity in him has been a higher level.

Speaker 2: 

I’ve been seeking for the last couple of months and I’ve been praying about it and meditating about it, but I can tell you that I will be visiting Romans 8, 38, verse 38 to 39, which is where it’s talking about how incredibly valuable I am. The more you believe that, the more you will step into the role you were meant to step into. Those opportunities will come into your life when you start to open up the possibility and the avenue of belief and trust. I believe in Christ. I trust him. If he’s telling me through his word, then I’m already valuable. Who am I to question it? So a lot of what I saw this weekend and the message that God has been trying to share with me over and over again is that I’m already valuable. I don’t need to earn my relationships with others. Because I found myself like reflecting how do I handle my friendships right? Because the bullying part of it really destroyed my confidence. And when I’ve invited God into this question, I’ve gotten visions in my head, like memories that were long lost before that are starting to come up. And that’s how he talks with me, that’s how he shares information with me. So you have to kind of think in your relationship with Christ, how does he show up for you? How do you receive his messages? Is it something you feel in your heart space? Like this tingling sensation like mine starts in my, in my crown, and it kind of goes to my heart center. It’s like this tingling sensation when I read something and it’s just, it’s meant for me, me right, like that’s a message she wants me to know, like when that dear child letter was first read to me during training this weekend. I circle, you are valuable, you to feel ashamed, you don’t need to earn, like through.

Speaker 2: 

I caught myself doing these grandiose gestures in my friendships to, in essence, to to showcase my value to them, like to sell my value to them. It’s weird, it’s a strange sensation. But I’ve caught myself doing that and I’ve wondered like where’s that coming from? And those are clues that my mind is giving me of like what belief system is driving this. We have thoughts that show up, we have emotions that show up, we have results that give us like a picture of what’s been happening, like what reactions and actions that we’ve been taking to get that result right.

Speaker 2: 

So I have found that the more I contemplate these questions like what is the belief that got formed during the bullying years? What were these? What are all this library that it’s backing up into right, and the more I talk about it through ndr and therapy, the less triggered I feel by certain things. I can just logically look at the situation, kind of step back from it, not allow the trigger to to fully engage right that emotion. To me it’s like a feeling that shows up, I get triggered and then I have this automatic reaction to it and that automatic reaction is my pattern of behavior on it right.

Speaker 2: 

So I need to step back and in my war room, almost in the form of prayer, slash meditation, do the affirmation I’m incredibly valuable in Christ, meaning no one outside of myself and Christ can give me the value that I’m looking for. I’m already valuable. No friendships will do that for you, no marriage will do that for you, no children will do that for you. And that in itself is confidence in faith, confidence in your identity as his child, faith in that you’re trusting him to show you your light and for you to like step in there right. So in the last couple of weeks, the reason why I haven’t been on the podcast is I’ve been re reimagining the podcast.

Speaker 2: 

What is it that I really want to convey to those following how am I really helping you? As a spiritual transformative coach, I’m really looking to guide you into the identity in him. Looking to guide you into the identity in him Because when you turn to God during times of change, even minor changes, that truly is the key to thriving in life. None of the other strategies that I’ve ever tried goals that I’ve set, where I’m putting my need for significance or value on other people that is a flawed strategy. People are always failing you. They’re human, but he won’t If you’re secure in your identity in him and you turn to him when you’re going through major change or even just minor change.

Speaker 2: 

I mean, I’m having some difficulties with my child who has ADHD. I have ADHD. Our personalities are similar and the way we’re addressing each other is similar and I just wanted to be more peaceful, more purposeful. So I’ve turned to God and I’ve turned to scripture to guide my actions in my parenting. That’s what led me into therapy. That’s what led me into listening and staying obedient to my next steps, because some of the answers that I was seeking were in these pages and God knew that that training was going to give me those answers and as soon as I read it and as soon as I read it and I felt God’s presence in me, I knew I was on the right path. Like that’s it. This is why I’m meant to go into ministry, because these are my next steps, because I had prayed. They’re my next steps. How do I parent my child? How do I identify these belief systems? I need to do all these things because I need to move forward in my roles as a child of God and as a mother to a child of God, because my daughter is this kid and she’s a gift he has given me and I need to love her as I love him.

Speaker 2: 

So, that being said, I know this has been a little bit more of an emotional thing and as I read the letter, you may have felt something stir, want you to jot down which part resonated the most with you and just stream of consciousness right for 10 minutes. It’s a beautiful exercise because at times, god is trying to reach us. Because of the noise that we surround ourselves by, we cannot hear him, and we need to hear him, because he’s the one that knows why he met you in your mother’s womb, what purpose in life and if there’s answers that you want from him, maybe this letter might provide some of those answers. I hope this episode has reached your heart as it reached mine over the weekend. I’m Celia Warshin. Thank you so much for tuning in to this episode of who Am? I have a wonderful week, stay safe, love y’all.

Speaker 1: 

bye now, so that’s it for today’s episode of release. Doubt reveal purpose. Head on over itunes or wherever you listen and subscribe to the show. One lucky listener every single week who posts a review on itunes will win a chance in the grand prize drawing to win a $25,000 private VIP day with Sylvia Worsham herself. Be sure to head on over to ReleasedOutRevealPurposePodcastcom and pick up a free copy of Sylvia’s gift and join us on the next episode.
