The question on everyone’s mind is “Will I be able to step out of the safety of my home to live my new normal without fear? When we shift our mindset from a fearful state to a state of joy we are able to experience life from a place of peace, trust and joy. Fear keeps us stuck in patterns of certainty that will only prolong the anxiety and fearful feelings we have allowed to control our mindset since the start of Covid-19. By choosing to utilize our energy in a positive way, shifting our mindset and releasing any lingering fear and anxiety to God; we will use the opportunities this new normal presents to us. #fear, #faith, #spirituality, #God, #peace, #love, #trust, #mindset, #positive, #energy, #joy, #focus, #focusfridays, #sylviaworsham, #empowerment, #empowermentcoach , #opportunities, #possibilities, #abundance, #unconsciousmind, #choices, #others
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