This video is for divorced parents or young parents debating whether to focus on seeking fulfillment outside of themselves or focus on what will bring them greater joy than money. We focus on 3 painful lessons that were learned and the gratitude even for those lessons as we apply them in life today. These lessons will help us grow personally and continue leveling up in life especially in our relationships with others. What painful lessons have you learned from life and how are you applying those lessons today? Please comment below. #gratitude, #lessons, #life, #family, #parenting, #divorce, #application, #focus, #lawoffocus, #money, #gettingthere, #there, #children, #shame, #guilt, #forgiveness, #gifts, #time, #spiritualjourney, #journey, #self, #empowerment, #empowermentcoach, #keynotespeaker, #motivation, #motivationalspeaker, #sylviavillalobosworsham, #focusfridays, #mistakes, #giftoftime
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